ZOE 365

365 ONE: day 113 video upload…De Niro Style

Stop following me and getta out of face, yo…



365 ONE: day 112 video upload…Vogue-nada

All I wanted was my horoscope and maybe a sex quiz or something….



365 ONE: day 111 video upload…Stuart in the Kitchen

Stuart made me Greek breakfast today…



365 ONE: day 110 video upload…blah blah blah

On the phone…making some faces…




365 ONE: day 109 video upload…Stapler Love

If staplers could talk…




365 ONE: day 108 video upload…Sneaky Office Dancing

Up and at it, someone coming, back to work, then up and at it, someone coming, so back to work….




365 ONE: day 107 video upload…tourist in Times Square

I was walking from my production meeting to the subway through the one and only Times Square…as a Tourist….



365 ONE: day 106 video upload….Furniture Dolly Surfing!

On the way to the bathroom at the office I noticed a furniture dolly so naturally I tried to surf down the hallway on it….




365 ONE: day 105 video upload….Febreeze It!

Inspired by the infomercials on weekends I always awake to when I can’t sleep…


365 ONE: day 104 video upload…on set in Baltimore MD

Got to the set for the filmshoot and had a little time as they were setting up by the pond…